lauantai 29. lokakuuta 2016


Crestfallen is a new word for me. That is the mood of today and yesterday. Already at Hedben Bridge boys, and specially older, started to misbehave. He have not wanted leave b&b and when we are there they both have been wild and trying to irritate us parents all of the time. Not all of the time but lot of anyway. 

Yesterday morning came Traë to play with children. She really have skill with them and they really enjoy that. I went to draw and started to make tries of pinhole camera with Elyssa. I really just started but it takes time so I was late for lunch. Laurent have tried to take care of the boys, after Traë have left, and cook same time. Boys have do their best of fiddling and everyone was angry mood when I arrived. We went to buy materials for Sunday's art-bread-workshop and I felt totally power off. At evening I succeed to print some things, so something progress.

Aarni sleeps badly, and wakes up early. Today we cleaned our stuff from rooms and played little outside. After lunch Nicola came to take us to her home. At morning was some good moments when Etienne practiced to write and when we played outside. In the beginning at Nicolas home it went well too and our walk by canals. Walking was so great as everything was so surprising beautiful again. That was a best moment today, and yesterday was the time I had chance to work.
Also I was sad when I looked the plan for rest of the time here, how little time there is left.

Tomorrow we have We Are Resident -happening, I have not much to show. We will anyway do our art-bread-thing. Etienne is waiting for that too.

Here are the models for the art-bread-workshop. Orginally made by three Finnish artist Helinä Hukkataival, Heli Tiainen and Maisa Heiskanen. Pctures on breads based on the works the famous artist like Miró.

Here is mine and Etienne's tries. Based purely on our imagination only.